Hello, I am Scott Buerkley.
I have to be honest, when Sarah asked me for my Dahlia story I didn't really know what to write because I am the details guy behind the scenes. Keeping the trucks and equipment running, Keeping the technology component up to date. Keeping the books in line. But then I started thinking of ways my life has been impacted by the flowers the past few years.
About 4 years ago I began seeing fresh flowers in our home. It started as one bouquet in our kitchen every day but escalated to many more than that in time. Last summer I came down from my office to make lunch and was stopped in my tracks by all the arrangements around the kitchen, living room, dining room and bathroom. I just shook my head, smiled and thought "Sarah has been busy today." Not to mention our family dinner night is now consumed by conversations about how the dahlias are growing, how they are getting watered, weeded and harvested. I do believe I could probably grow them as well. lol!
Ultimately I do enjoy seeing how the flowers are changing our lives, our son's lives and those around us.